Friday, September 13, 2013

Birthday buds...

Today is a very special day in our house. Two birthdays...four years apart!

Gianna finally understands why they are not twins even though they share their special day! So, instead of being her twin, Justin is her "birthday bud!"

When Gianna came downstairs this morning, the first thing she did was run down to the basement to wish Justin a Happy Birthday! I love their bond...I hope he's always the first person she thinks of when she wakes up on September 13th (and vice versa!).

Luckily, this year on September 13th, I am thanking God for my sweet children...and not remembering all the pain that this particular day has meant in my past :). This is a good thing for a lady not too far away from giving birth again...

Happy 7th and 3rd guys! We love you!

Cecilia helped me make the cupcakes yesterday. She is loving some one-on-one time in the afternoons when little ones are sleeping and big ones are at school :).

We celebrated Justin's birthday with a fun playdate this morning. Gianna is having cupcakes with her class and then we'll sing tonight!

Lucy loved her cupcake!

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