Thursday, November 21, 2013

Long Days, Sweet Memories!

I'm not really returning to blogging already, but I just wanted to safe keep some special memories (that I will mean to document later, but it just won't happen...this forum is as easy as any to record them while they're on my mind!).

Today was Grandparent's Day at preschool. Although none of the grandparents were able to travel to be here, it didn't dampen any spirits here! Cecilia and Justin were both so excited and loved singing for the captive audience! Cecilia, the pilgrim, is above! Justin, below, had a "squishy gray tail" on his behind (but not visible in the picture!).

My precious tiny baby is still tiny!! She weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. at her one-month well visit yesterday. She has a bad cold and an *almost* ear infection (that's frustrating because I don't know whether she's crying because she's a month old or because her ear hurts!), but thank God, is otherwise doing great! Below she is snoozing on the couch!

A few weeks ago, Joseph lost one of his front teeth! He wasn't totally cooperative for this picture (hence the goofy face!), but I just love how he looks! He's getting so big, yet he's still my little boy. I am so proud that he's doing so well in kindergarten!

It gets dark early so the days are shorter...but, man they are seeming long to me as Daddy is working a lot (to make up for all the time he had to take off during the end of my pregnancy and when Teresa was born). There are so many precious moments each and every day with each of my children (if only the moments weren't so distracted by the less-than-precious moments of the other children...ha!). Thank you God for your many blessings...please protect us and help us all!!! Happy early Thanksgiving, everyone! :)

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