Wednesday, May 13, 2015

New Life...

Nana and Lucy

We are having a wonderful spring. I can't believe how busy May is with all the sports practices and games, end-of-year shows and recitals, etc. I love it though! As usual, I am very nervous for June 4th which is the last day of school. I am praying for the grace to appreciate and enjoy each and every day...even when there are 90 days (or whatever!) off of a!

Lucy is 3 now.  And, for perhaps the first time (sorry to say!), I am really enjoying this age! Of course, I loved and enjoyed my other children at age 3, but the meltdowns, tantrums, and stubbornness are all too present in my memories!

Lucy has those moments too, but (perhaps) I have learned to deal with them better. I am usually able to redirect and make everything good in her world again (go me..5th times a charm!).

And, she makes me laugh! Her innocence and love of simple things is contagious. The other day we driving on a street that we drive on every day (several times a day). When we were stopped at a light, she looked to the right and she saw some geese that are kept at a landscaping company (not sure why they have geese, but anyway!). Suddenly, Lucy was laughing hysterically. Of course, I joined in, not knowing why!

Then I learned it was because, "Geese do not drive cars!" I guess the thought of a goose in the driver's seat was just too much! And, it was a thought that made us both happy. I'm glad she shared.

My beautiful oldest on one of the most special days of her life!
I am also enjoying Gianna, age 8-1/2-year-old, more than usual. It could very well be because I am praying more. I haven't been blogging, but I have spent many an afternoon in prayer asking for all the graces that I need for this crazy journey! Today is May 13th, Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, so I should get off the computer to say my Rosary!

Gianna made her First Communion on Saturday. It was so beautiful to watch my oldest child receive this Sacrament. As I planned in my head what to tell her about the Eucharist, I was reminded myself of how much I am loved. I pray that her new life in Christ will transform her life!

Happy spring friends :).

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