Friday, February 14, 2014

No cure...

Lucy's preferred seat to do crafts!

I was feeling pretty good this morning! After a long (but surprisingly fun) snow day yesterday, the kids did have school today. I was so relieved because it's Valentine's Day, and they were SO excited to give and receive valentine's from all their friends (not to mention the classroom parties!).

After the older two were off to school (there was a 2-hour delay, so we were able to move at a slower pace!), I headed out to do an errand with the other four before dropping Cecilia off at school (she doesn't start until 11 when there is a delay).

A few aisles into our shopping, a man approached us and told me that my children were beautiful. He explained that he loves kids, and he joked with them. Then he looked at me before saying, "And, oh wow...another baby in your exciting!"


I said that no, not right now! He kept talking, but I hurried my children to another aisle. I wasn't feeling so good anymore! And, to think, just hours earlier, I was thrilled to see that I'm down a few pounds (after remaining the same weight for months!). In his defense, I DID have my maternity winter jacket on (it's just so cozy and roomy, and the weather has been so bad lately!). But still (didn't I just writing about crossing the line in my last post...ha!)....

My littlest Valentine :)

I dropped off Cecilia and headed to Target. I wasn't in the best of moods. That is, until I ran into a friend (the mom of 5 boys) that I don't see that often. She ran up to see the baby and then followed with, "You look GREAT!" Now, I definitely didn't look great (don't have much time to get myself ready in the mornings!), BUT, how I loved that comment compared to the one at the last store!

I told this friend about the pregnant comment and I laughed when she said, "Well...there's just no cure for stupid!" I normally don't call people stupid (it's actually off limits and known as the "s" word at my house!), but I needed the laugh :).

As I was driving back to pick up Cecilia (an hour later...delays mean very short classes!), I heard that coffee is free at McDonald's today...and I happened to be driving by a McDonald's and I love their coffee!

So, Valentine's Day is looking up (we'll see if it continues when my kids get off the bus all sugared up soon)! With 6 kids ages 7 and under, my husband and I are usually completely wiped out by 8 p.m., so no plans. But, I'm blessed to be married to my love every day!

Wishing you all a blessed day with your loved ones :). St. Valentine, pray for us!

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