Saturday, September 29, 2012

May they never forget...

I love this picture of my three oldest children smelling a late summer rose last weekend. This image instantly came to mind this week when I read a terrifying statistic. Car accidents are no longer the number one killer of Americans. Rather, suicide is the number one killer (not counting illnesses and other natural causes, obviously).

I have known dark days in my life. By God's grace, I have pulled through time and time again. I can only hope and pray that in His mercy, He will continue to give me my daily bread to get through the ups and downs of this crazy life!

So, while I can no longer even imagine suicide for myself, it terrifies me as a parent. Right now, I have my precious children around me all day (except for one Kindergartener who leaves from 7:51-3:13!). I can make almost everything better with a single kiss (or a bribe of sugar!). Their worlds are small and safe and (almost) fully in my control. Strangers tell me almost daily that these are the best days of my life...perhaps this is what they are referring to (because I can't imagine that they are talking about the meltdowns and whining!).

As we know though, these long days make for short years. So, my prayer today is that my children will never forget to stop and smell the roses. And that the good Lord will keep them hopeful and close to Him every step of the way.

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