Though you have recourse to many saints as your intercessors, go especially to St. Joseph, for he has great power with God.
St. Teresa of Avila
All of my children are named for saints (first and middle names). For Lucy's name, I actually went searching online for lists of Catholic saints. It was a fun process! As a result, all of my children have feast days...and they are special to us. Joseph knows that today is his special day! If I get my act together, perhaps I'll bake a special dessert for tonight!
I remember a special time that I spent with St. Joseph. It was April of 2007, and Gianna was 7-months-old. She and I had accompanied my husband to Columbus, OH where he had a conference (it was fun, but it hasn't happened since!). As he was in meetings during the day, I would put Gianna in the baby carrier, and we would go for long walks (we had nice spring weather).
I came upon a gorgeous old Catholic church. I love walking through empty churches...there is something so holy and peaceful about it! In this church, there was a beautiful shrine devoted to St. Joseph. I paid my money and lit a candle for a very special intention. Namely, I asked for St. Joseph's prayers that we may conceive another child.
We were so in love with Gianna that we hoped for our family to grow. As it had taken us almost two years to conceive Gianna, we did not want to wait. I wondered if Gianna was a miracle (which every life is, of course!), and if perhaps we would not have any more children. I promised St. Joseph to name a boy after him.
Joseph Robert was conceived in May and born in January. Thank you, St. Joseph! Please continue to watch over my boy, and his brother, and his father (I like to entrust the men in my family to such a powerful saint). Amen.
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